A guide to the most improbable apocalypses ever - and some possibly more probable ones, asking ChatGPT and LLMs to create apocalyptic scenarios Website

Each page describes an end of the world scenario provided by a chatbot/LLM. Mostly ChatGPT's free versions, occasionally others too.

Disclaimer and Content Warning: if you are sensitive to apocalyptic end of the world scenarios (whether serious or silly), have issues interpreting reality from obvious speculative fiction, or the themes in any given scenario, please do not proceed, or proceed reading with that scenario. Content is entirely AI-generated so if AI text or imagery is triggering or nauseating or upsetting for you, please proceed no further. Also, this is not an endorsement of these scenarios or of LLMs - this is for entertainment ONLY. Also a special note to the Christians -or any other religious end of the world people - if I find you've taken any of these for your scare preaching I will find you and embarrass you for being an utter piece of shit.